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Remote Play Compatibility - XA 2 Ultra


Remote Play Compatibility - XA 2 Ultra

Can we expect compatibility with remote play on XA2 / XA2 Ultra ?


I am extremely upset to discover remote play is not supported on the xa2. My old iPhone 6 supported remote play but the xa2 doesn't? Part of the reason why I chose to upgrade to a Sony phone is because I was under the impression that xperia supported this feature. I don't want to be told that I should have seen that remote play was not in the specs for this product. That is disingenuous and insulting. I think it is a reasonable expectation that since older models and models with less power are able to run this application, I could assume that a relatively new Sony product would be able to handle it. It is clear that this was not a decision based on the technical limitations of this device. Without being able to integrate my phone and ps4, Sony has nothing to offer me that I couldn't get from Samsung or another competitor at a better price. Unless ps4 remote play support is added in a future update, I will never recommend or purchase another Sony phone.

Actually the remote play on iOS has only just been released and has a minimum requirement of iPhone 7. The ones that worked on iPhone 6 were cracked versions of an older infrastructure made to work on iOS.

It may be worth googling the remote play apk and seeing if you can install it that way.


How are you going to make apple remote play capable and and actual Sony device that is fully capable not compatible. 


Hi @Wasteladrelaxer, sorry to hear that you feel this way.

As I have wrote in some other replies, I'm not sure why this is not supported in certain devices and if this has to do with hardware, software or something else and I don't have any such information available to me.

To your question if this will be added in a coming update, it will not.

I understand the frustration and I'll make sure to forward your feedback regarding this, but there is nothing else that I can do as the device does not support this feature and will not receive an update to support it.

@Viridis, thank you for this information.

@Grim666, I don't know the exact reason for this, so I'm not able to provide you any information as to why this is the case, sorry for that.


Hi everyone! I come bearing good news, it seems like christmas came early this year!

PS4 system software version 7.00 introduces support for PS4 Remote Play on phones and tablets running Android 5.0 or higher, that includes the XA2-series. The update enables usage of PS4 Remote Play - with the phone's touch display for game control - on Xperia devices which did not support PS4 Remote Play at launch. The preconditions are that the you have upgraded your PS4 device to system software version 7.00 and installed the latest PS4 Remote Play App. To download the Remote Play app to your phone, click here.

To learn more about PS4 Remote Play, please check out: 

Happy gaming and have a nice weekend! Slightly_smiling_Face