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L'app rimane aperta in background anche dopo averla chiusa e aver negato l'autorizzazione a tenerla aperta nell'apposita sezione. Mi consuma molta batteria, come posso chiuderla?
The app remains open in the background even after closing it and denying permission to keep it open in the appropriate section. It consumes me a lot of battery, how can I close it?
There are apps that can't be forced closed. They are essential in the quick operation of the device. It's not probably the app that's causing your batter to drain.
Try to observe your device while in safe mode
Hi @Cicia65, welcome to our forum!
I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.
Which application are you experiencing this behaviour with, is it a pre-installed application or a downloaded one?
Most applications you can force to shutdown, but it's up the developer of the app to add this feature, but in most cases it's standard.
Let me know which application it is and I'll do my best to assist you further.