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Sony KD43X8305CBU Picture/Sound Issues


Sony KD43X8305CBU Picture/Sound Issues

Hi guys,


I've recently bought this TV and I just seem to be having some problems.


Firstly the most important one for me is the picture. Now don't get me wrong, the 4K content on Youtube looks amazing and so do some of the HD channels on SkyHD, but I seem to be having problems with fast movements which seem to blur/pixelate. When the image is still or if there's normal movement it looks great. But some fast movements, and well, even some that aren't that fast the issue come up.


An example is in a music video I was watching where there was a horse running and the legs looked pixelated. Another was where somebody turned their body it was blocky. I tried to changing the picture setting and re-watching these specific parts. If it's on vivid it looks worse, but I tried photo-vivid the blockyness goes, however it loses the "live" look which makes the HD channels look so good. Also when I go to the Motion Flow setting and change it to True Cinema, again it gets rid of the blockyness but still loses the "live" feel.


I really don't know if this can be sorted so may have to take it back, but it's shame as it seems the TV is capable of looking amazing but these issues I don't expect have when my old TV didn't have them.


The sound problem is when I change the channel on sky the sound kinda judders for a second. It's fine after, but it's an annoyance. It's not my speakers as it happens from the TV speakers to.


Any help on the problems would be appreciated. I'm not very technical so I'll apologise now if I don't understand some terms etc.