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Camera image looks like it lacks details


Camera image looks like it lacks details

Hi, I am from India. After the lollipop upadate, my Xperia m2 dual( 2302) camera shows some isues. Its image looks like artistic picture, lacks details. When zooming its feel too bad. Is any one have this issue?

386 REPLIES 386

I hav done this procedure but problem is still there, diwali is near, how to save my memories of diwali Slightly_frowning_Face

@Anoopkumar, we dont have any option for this years festivals, But we can surely make our next years festivals better by not preferring/buying sony product and by strongly disrecommending to our relatives and friends as sony dont want to give proper answers at least... Face_with_rolling_Eyes


So, any news at all? Sony still insists the new camera is an improvement? What about the rest of the issues with Lollipop?

Looks like we're on our own, guys. I suggest everybody to downgrade to KitKat like I did, just follow these step-by-step instructions VERY CAREFULLY:

Just choose an older firmware instead of the latest, otherwise the procedure is the same.

FlashTool instalation on Windows 10: just follow the same steps as you would on Windows 8/8.1, everything is in that link.

FlashTool drivers: If I remember correctly you should choose common flash mode and common fastboot drivers (there's a list from where you can choose, but there are no other specific M2/M2 Aqua drivers), I think they're at the top of the list.

Do it at your own risk, but I followed these instructions and my phone works just fine. 

Thanks for nothing, Sony.


Another week waiting for feedback from Sony.

Hello Sony?


I'm sorry you feel this way and i have forwarded your feedback. Currently, this is the information i have:
You may experience that the camera image quality is different after upgrading the software in Xperia™ M2, Xperia™ M2 Dual, and Xperia™ M2 Aqua. It may be seen as a lack of details in the image when you have zoomed in.

The latest software (Android™ 5.1.1, software version 18.6.A.0.175) introduced changes in the image quality, which are supposed to benefit a majority of the users when viewing photos. The sharpness was increased, which makes the image more clear and sharp when it's displayed on the device or on a computer, fitted to the screen size. The increased sharpness, however, also means that you will see less detail when you zoom in the image to more than the actual image size.

After evaluation it has been decided that the new image quality should be of benefit to a majority of the users of Xperia™ M2, Xperia™ M2 Dual, and Xperia™ M2 Aqua.

We do not want this, bring back the old camera! Or at least make a option for sharpness or kind of this!

NOBODY likes the new change, it's more like 2mp camera than 8mp one DO SOMETHING about this change, it is not good !

Tell us Mr. @Rickard do you like the photos taken after the update?


Speaking from my own experiences, I've been experimenting with the Pixlr photo editing app, and using the "smooth" tool on the photos I made with the old 4.4.4. KitKat camera I have been able to achieve pretty similar results to what Lollipop 5.1.1. camera makes by default.

As I have said before, you can edit and smoothen the appearance of your photos easily, there are thousands of brilliant apps available for that. But you can't do anything to regain the details that the new and "improved" camera ommits on purpose.

Please leave it to users to decide what they'd like to achieve with their own photos, on their own phones, which they paid good money for. Even for those that didn't even care at first about Lollipop (I didn't even want to upgrade at first, but the hype got me in the end) it was basically shoved down our throats, no matter if we agreed with all the so-called improvements or not. If this is the way it's going to go then at least try to make it your responsibility to check if everything works properly, before forcing us to make the leap and upgrade, without even giving us an official way to downgrade if we weren't satisfied with the changes.

And now the lack of communication or official information on any possible solutions that are being worked on (if there are any being worked on at all, I'm afraid we kind of got thrown "under the bus" so to speak) is making people angry and upset, which is understandable. Ok, let's say you really do think that camera doesn't need to be fixed, but what about the rest of the bugs? Will they ever even be solved? It should be obvous by now that it's the new OS version that has caused all of this, so simply suggesting to do a factory reset or a repair via the PC companion is completely useless at this point. And if we're about to get left with Lollipop as our final major system upgrade, at least we should be entitled to get our problems sorted out, right? Or just include the M2 and its derivatives into the list of devices that will be upgraded to Marshmallow and fix the problems on that version.

I'm fine with KitKat, the phone works as it is supposed to since I downgraded, but I'm not really pleased with the fact that now I lost any hope of any future security related updates for my phone, unless I upgrade my phone to a faulty OS.

Nothing against you personally, Rickard, but me (and others will join me here without a doubt) would really appreciate if somebody would bring these issues to a greater attention and push Sony to actually do something about it, instead of just ignoring their entire line of devices (except from the flagships, which not everybody can afford). The way we're being treated here speaks volumes about how much they actually care about us, and if this continues they should expect us to return the courtesy and buy our new phones from another manufacturer next time around.


Good God, Sony just say you are giving up on this model, it would be at least fair of you. No comment on a GPS issues that appeared after the lollipop update? You must think that's an improvement too.

My guess is this is done on purpose. They need to sell more new models, and not further prolong the life of a model that is more then 18 months old. That is the truth. If no update is issued until the end of the year I am selling my M2 and switching back to HTC. Sony needs to be shut down for this kind of treatment to the people that gave their hard earned money for their devices.

Okkk..... Its nice to hear that sony is making dicision without knowing that customers are satisfied or not...And declaring that new

" image quality should be of benefit to a majority of the users "... Good.. Now they will realised those "majority of the users" will never buy Sony mobiles... 

And @Rickard can u please forword this to sony also.... that if they really want to know that Customers are satisfied or not then just take a free survey to every customers mobile..customer will give their feedback..and all is well understood to sony....

And Please @Ricakrd Give us the latest news about this.. Thanx... 


@Rickard  It makes no sense I am sorry for this but I am sure that they don't want to make an update for the camera because They want to fix only Xperia z series bugs and problems !! I don't have the money to buy expensive phones But I know that Sony doesn't care about this and this is why a lot of people don't trust this company anymore .. Maybe it's time to change mobile company after 7 years