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Low frequency sound WH-1000XM3


Low frequency sound WH-1000XM3

Last week when I turned on my headphones there was a really high beep sound on the left headphone. If i turned them off and on again the beep sound returned immediately when powered on.
The only way to get rid of this was to make a factory reset.
The beep sound was gone but now there is a low frequency bass like sound on the left headphone. It increases/decrease when I move my head.
Have tried changing all the settings, I have the latest firmware. 
It's only in idle mode or when I'm on the phone this bass sound apears, not when i play music.
Any ideas?


Hello @Karl.b,


@Karl.b  schrieb:

Any ideas?

could you please cycle trough the NC-modes (NC, Ambient Sound; Off) in order to see if the sound doesn't get emitted in one of these modes? If that is the case it could be that the NC-microphone in the left earcup is cause of the issue.


- Nic